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Year 6 Information Letter Autumn 1Year 6 Information Letter Autumn 2Year 6 Information Letter Spring 1Year 6 Information Letter Spring 2
Information Posts
Supporting Your Child With Their Sceondary School Placement
Next week (WB 03/02/25) Year 6 will be doing "Mock SATs" where the children will be completing past papers in the rooms that they will be in for the real SATs in May.
There is nothing you or the children need to do to prepare for this, it is just a dress rehearsal so that the children are familiar with the process and will know what to expect.
27.01.25 Information for parents about Whatsapp from NSPCC
Is WhatsApp safe for my child? | NSPCC
23.01.25 Bikeability
Dear Parents/Carers,
Year 6 are usually offered the opportunity to take part in Bikeability cycling training during summer term.
Unfortunately, Bikeability have not been able to accommodate us this year.
However, children are still able to take part at various different locations in our local area. If you are interested in your child receiving this training please visit the Bikeability website here: https://www.bikeability.org.uk/get-cycling/cycle-training-for-children/ and use the 'Find a Course Near You' feature to view your options.
Thank you,
Language of the month January 2025
Language of the month for January is Cantonese
Anti - Bullying week is 11th - 15th November
We will be recognising Anti-Bullying Week on Tuesday 12th November
Children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks on this day if they would like to. We wear odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness, challenge stereotypes, and promote acceptance.
Children will be participating in activities on the day which discuss bullying and what they can do if they need help.
DT Resources
Next week. the children in Year 6 will be making polar tents as part of their DT learning. The children will need to bring in materials to build a sturdy structure e.g. shoe boxes, cardboard, lollypop sticks etc. The children will also need materials that they could use to keep their tents waterproof e.g. plastic bags and cling film. Please can resources be provided by Monday 14th October.
The Year 6 Team
Black History Month
Throughout the year there are months that celebrate the history of different groups of people. These months help us to learn more about people, their history and their importance to the wider world. Black History Month is celebrated each year in October. It is a chance to celebrate the achievements of black people past and present.
Children will be taking part in activities this month.
World Mental Health Day
Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. To raise awareness of the importance of good mental health, schools across the country are inviting the children to wear a yellow accessory to school for the day if they would like to. Yellow is a colour that symbolises hope, optimism and happiness.
In class, children will be taking part in an activity to discuss mental health.
Children must still be in full uniform but can also wear something yellow such as:
Yellow socks
Yellow badge
Yellow ribbon
Yellow hat
Yellow hair accessory
Or any other yellow accessory you can think of!
Children do NOT need to bring in any money or donations and the yellow accessory is voluntary.
Please see the slides from the Year 6 Parent Forum.
Hindleap Warren Medical Forms
Please ensure that Hindleap Warren Medical Forms are returned to Class Teachers by Monday 7th October.
Dorset Road Entrance for KS2 Pupils
From Monday 23rd September, pupils in KS2 who enter the school via Dorset Road Gate will enter the building through the Nursery Garden. They will walk around the side of Junebug classroom and into the Nursery Garden where they will be able to enter the school via the external door to the Studio Hall. Staff will be there to support children getting into school.
Awards and Attendance
Week Beginning 03/03/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Daisy and Willow
6F- Denise and Kaylen
6H- Kyria and Maitreyi
6W- Enzo and Murat
Well done to 6H who have had the best attendance this week with 98.2%.
Week Beginning 24/02/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Mahir and Thomas
6F- Stefanos and Atharv
6H- Harshada and Haris
6W- Kaia and Hannah
Well done to 6W who have had the best attendance this week with 98%.
Week Beginning 10/02/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Karuniya and Evie
6F- Mohamed and Sophie
6H- Lily and Ryuzgiar
6W- Daniela and Nathan
Well done to 6H who have had the best attendance this week with 97.7%.
Week Beginning 27/01/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Kareena and Priyanshi
6F- Denise and Yash
6H- Hollie and Kyria
6W- Jiangbin and Pankaj
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 95%.
Well to 6B, 6h and 6W who have had the Greenest Classroom this week.
Week Beginning 20/01/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Ethan and Kareena
6F- Muizz and Stefania
6H- Victoria and Jay
6W- Akshat and Sanuck
Well done to 6W who have had the best attendance this week with 96.4%.
Well to 6F and 6W who had the Greenest Classroom this week.
Week Beginning 13/01/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Akif and Tristan
6F- Emily and Riaz
6H- Maitreyi and Marcus
6W- Joey and Ben
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 99%.
Week Beginning 06/01/2025
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Mason and Isaac
6F- Emilia and Kian
6H- Avik and Rosemary
6W- Lucas and Yusef
Congratulations to the recipients of the Year 6 Autumn Term Merit Award Certificate:
Peter, Leah, Crystal and K-J
Congratulations to the recipient of the Year 6 Autumn Term Perseverance Award:
Congratulations to the recipients of the Year 5 and Year 6 Autumn Term French Award Certificate:
Jaygo and Judy
Week Beginning 09/12/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Grace and Thomas
6F- Hiba and Myra
6H- Gabi and Vladi
6W- Tai and Lucas
Week Beginning 02/12/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Adam and Peter
6H- Francesco and Shanvi
6W- Peniel and Jacek
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 95.6%.
Week Beginning 25/11/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Frank and Zain
6F- Bonnie and Lavin
6H- Omer and Samia
6W- Judy and Daniela
Well done to 6H who have had the best attendance this week with 94.3%.
Week Beginning 11/11/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Alexis and Joven
6F- Stefanos and Jesu
6H- Sienna and Jacob
6W- Konstantinos and Kaia
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 96.4%.
Week Beginning 04/11/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Alfie and Rayan
6F- Adam and Hannah
6H- Mason and Nicholas
6W- Anoushka and Zayna
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 100%.
Week Beginning 14/10/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Jaya and Natalia
6F- Katie and Anaia
6H- Ayan and Leah
6W- Mawara and Murat
Well done to 6F who have had the best attendance this week with 98.3.%.
Week Beginning 07/10/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Lincoln and Mahir
6F- Atharv and Kaylen
6H- Giovanni and Chloe
6W- Freddie and Krish
Well done to 6B and 6H who have had the best attendance this week with 95.3.%.
Week Beginning 30/9/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Ruby and Evelyn
6F- Crystal and Esmae
6H- Gabby and Ellie
6W- Nathan and Hanin
Well done to 6B who have had the best attendance this week with 97.1%.
Week Beginning 23/9/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Manahil and Rishaa
6F- Amelie and Jayden
6H- Kendall and Ryuzgiar
6W- Angela and Dennis
Well done to 6W who have had the best attendance this week with 97.7%.
Week Beginning 16/9/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- Evie and Willow
6F- Edward and Faith
6H- Savar
6W- KJ and Zurum
Well done to 6W who have had the best attendance this week with 90.1%.
Week Beginning 9/9/2024
Well done to all of the children who have received a Class Teacher Award this week.
6B- All of 6B
6F- Olivia and Sophie
6H- All of 6H
6W- All of 6W
Phase Leader Award- Sanuck 6W
Well done to 6H who have had the best attendance this week with 97.8%.
Weekly Learning Journeys
Week Beginning 10/03/25
Mystical Maya Week 3 Learning JourneyMaths Spring 2 Week 3 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 03/03/25
Maths Spring 2 Week 2 Learning JourneyMystical Maya Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 24/02/25
Mystical Maya Week 1 Learning JourneySpring 2 Maths Week 1 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 10/02/25
Survival of the Fittest Week 6 Learning JourneyMaths Spring 1 Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 03/02/25
Survival of the Fittest Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 27/01/25
Maths Spring 1 Week 4 Learning JourneySurvival of the Fittest Week 4 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 20/01/25
Maths Spring 1 Week 3 Learning Journey
Survival of the Fittest Week 3 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 13/01/25
Survival of the Fittest Week 2 Learning Journey
Maths Spring 1 Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 16/12/24
Brilliant British Inventions Week 7 Learning JourneyMaths Autumn 2 Week 7 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 09/12/24
Brilliant British Inventions Week 6 Learning JourneyMaths Autumn 2 Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 02/12/24
Brilliant British Inventions Week 5 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 11/11/24
Brilliant British Inventions Week 2 Learning JourneyMaths Week 2 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 04/11/24
Brilliant British Inventions Week 1 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 14/10/24
Polar Regions Week 7 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 07/10/24
Polar Regions Week 6 Learning Journey
Polar Regions Week 6 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 30/9/2024
Polar Regions Week 5 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 23/9/2024
Polar Regions Week 4 Learning JourneyMaths Week 4 Learning Journey
Week Beginning 16/9/2024
Hindleap 2024
Day 4: Thursday
Another great night’s sleep, with no shenanigans. When Mrs. Cook announced that the disco was on, a frisson of excitement was felt across the centre…
Breakfast was egg or bacon rolls. We could also help ourselves to porridge, fruit salad, yoghurt, toast and cereal. We all ate well and headed off to our morning activities.
When I’m home, ask me how I built my shelter.
Lunch was mac & cheese, pasta carbonara, tomato pasta (or plain pasta for those that wanted it) with garlic bread. Everyone preparing and serving the food is really kind and listening to us when we ask for things on the side or alternatives.
Back out again for more activities. Another dry day, with clear skies but low temperatures. We are continuing to demonstrate the Avenue Values of Perseverance, Resilience and Teamwork and our wonderful teachers are leading by example.
Due to the colder weather, we’re making sure that we have lots of layers on. Our clothes from the start of the week are dry thanks to the drying room but there is a slight whiff of the swamp about us all now! Brace yourselves when you open up our suitcases on our return.
Dinner was roasted BBQ chicken or vegan BBQ roast with potato wedges and pitta bread. Everyone cleared their plates again.
Right now we are at the disco, busting a move with our resident DJ, Mrs. Bee, mixing those decs.
A little known fact about Mr Woloshak is that, before he became a teacher, he was in fact a professional breakdancer and represented Wales at the Commonwealth Games two years running. Some skills never leave you, and he’s doing the windmill and caterpillar just like the good ol’ days… Mrs. Cook is on standby with the first-aid kit.
Return Journey
We are setting off tomorrow afternoon and are due back around 3.00pm at Dorset Road gate. We will try to keep you updated with a more exact time but if you don’t hear from us, come at 3.00. Please do not call the office.
We know you will be pleased to see us, but please stand well back and let us off the coach, and safely through the gates into the playground. No child will be dismissed from the roadside.
If someone else is collecting your child, please ensure you have informed the school. Please remember that siblings must be 16 years or over to collect.
If you need medication back straight away, then please ask a teacher. If it can wait, then please collect it at pick up on Monday (it will be brought out with the children).
Remember that there is no lost property after Hindleap so if it doesn’t come back…it never will!
We’re all looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Love Year 6 xxx
Day 3: Wednesday
Our teachers all awoke to the most beautiful sunrise this morning and the sight of deer having their breakfast at the edge of the forest.
We on the other hand slept through it all and had to be plucked from our beds for our breakfast which was a choice of cereal, toast, yogurt, fresh fruit and pastries. Whilst we were eating our breakfast, the deer returned and from the window we saw a doe and her three fawns… it was a magical sight.
No rain this morning, but the temperature has really dropped so we made sure we put plenty of layers on before heading out for our first activity. Our teachers are also making sure that they are well wrapped up.
Lunch was a jacket potato with a tasty topping of chilli, vegetable chilli, beans or cheese. As always, there was a lovely fresh salad bar to choose from.
Back out to the activities after lunch and everyone is being so brave and challenging themselves to do things that they didn’t think they could do. When I get home, ask me to tell you about one thing that I did that was out of my “comfort zone” and one thing I did to encourage or support a friend.
Ask me how we made a fire.
Ask me about the obstacle course.
Dinner was meatballs (and vegan meatballs) rice and peas and everyone cleared their plates again. It’s hungry work wading through muddy puddles! Pudding was a delicious chocolate sponge cake.
Tonight we are swapping activities and either going on a night walk or having a campfire (whatever we didn’t do yesterday) and we will all have a hot chocolate and biscuit when we get back again to warm up.
The plan is to have a disco tomorrow night but whether it goes ahead or not depends on our behaviour. We have been amazing so far, so providing there’s no shenanigans at bedtime tonight, it’s on! In hopeful anticipation, the teachers are limbering up already so that it’s just a move they’re busting on that dance floor… and not a hip…
STILL no need to worry… we are having so much fun.
Love Year 6 xxx
Day 2: Tuesday
Before bed last night, Mrs. Cook gave a short yet informative talk on behaviour expectations. The salient points were:
1. She’s old.
2. She’s tired.
3. She’s too old and tired for midnight shenanigans.
As a group, we decided to take this information on board and everyone got a good nights sleep.
Breakfast was scrambled eggs, hash browns and baked beans. We could also help ourselves to cereal, toast, yogurt and fresh fruit… Some of us had the lot! All dietary requirements are being strictly adhered to and we are all full and happy.
Weather wise, it’s been a mixed bag of mostly rain with some dry spells but it hasn’t dampened our spirits in the slightest and we have been throwing ourselves into the activities… quite literally…
Lunch was hot dogs (with a vegan option) and potato wedges. The salad bar is available at every lunch and we were able to help ourselves to whatever we wanted.
Then it was off to our next set of activities and everyone is really getting into the swings of things now. When I get home ask me about the Team Challenge, Abseiling and Forest Adventure.
Dinner was chicken fajitas (or veggie fajitas) wraps and rice and pudding was chocolate orange cake… delicious!
Tonight half of us are going on a night walk and the other half are having a campfire. On our return, we will all have a hot chocolate to warm us up, and then it will be off to bed.
Still no need to worry about us… we’re having a ball
Love Year 6 xxx
Day 1: Monday
The coach ride was quick and easy and we all arrived in good time with no travel sickness. As soon as we got here we found out where our rooms were, made our beds (rolled around with sheets in our hands, flinging pillow cases about) and unpacked (threw all our stuff around the room).
Once our rooms were sorted, we had our packed lunch, got our thermals on and headed out to our first activity which everyone loved. After a quick break, we put our waterproofs on (as the rain had started) and had our second activity. Before we knew it...it was dinner time!
Dinner was pizza (margarita) with French fries and and peas. Pudding was ice-cream. There is a salad bar at every dinner and we helped ourselves. We were all very hungry from the activities and cleared our plates!
After dinner, we had some down time with our friends in our rooms and then went to the Tuck Shop and watched a movie. Soon we’ll be back in our rooms again and after a bit of chit chat it will be lights out as we have a jam packed schedule in the morning.
We are all safe, warm and happy so please don’t worry about us!
Love Year 6 xxx